Have you ever stopped to think about the inconveniences we'll go through on a daily basis to ensure our conveniences? It's actually pretty comical AND ironic when you think about it. Everyday, we get up and go to work for 8 or more hours to pay for a nice, air conditioned house, cable television, cell phones, swimming pools, fancy cars and a plethora of other toys. In fact, we spend so much time working to pay for these things that we seldom have time to actually enjoy them. That's ironic, if you ask me.
My wife loves Disney World. Just the other day she was telling me that it's time for us to take our family back to the "most magical place on earth". Here' the kicker...she's figured out that we need at least $5000 saved up to make this dream vacation happen. Get this...that means that we'll have to work hard, work extra and save like the dickens, eschewing countless smaller enjoyments, all so that we may embark on this one big enjoyment. So if all goes as planned, we'll save for two years or so, making sacrifice after sacrifice, so we can enjoy one week.
You know what this is like because, unless you're made of money, you've probably done the same thing at some point. Oh boy how we will inconvenience ourselves in pretty big ways to enjoy a few small conveniences! So true...unless, of course, we start talking spiritually.
It seems that when it comes to spiritual matters, we take just the opposite course. We avoid any kind of inconvenience. Spiritual things that take up our time are, more times than not, placed on the back burner of our lives. Now, what's crazy about all of this is that the spiritual things in life are, actually, the most valuable things. Yet, we treat them as if they are of no value, at worst, or of very little value, at best!
In the Western Christian's mind, faith...and all that goes along with it...should be easy. In our minds we've convinced ourselves that if God really wants something from us, He'll make it simple. When it comes to making spiritual decisions, some actually operate from the mentality that the path of least resistance MUST be the path ordained by God. In fact, if something gets hard, many Christians will conclude that God is "shutting that door".
One small problem exists with this logic, however...specifically the fact that God NEVER promised that His path was easy. In fact, Jesus made it clear over and over and over again that following Him would be the most difficult thing that any of us could choose to do (cf. Matthew 10:16-25, 32-39; 16:24-27; 20:25-28; 24:9-14; Mark 8:34-38; 13:9-13; Luke 9:23-26, 57-62; 12:49-53; 14:25-27; John 12:24-26; 15:18-21; 17:14-16). According to Him, following Him would cost us everything (be inconvenient), but would offer the greatest of pay offs in the end.
Now, I've already demonstrated how each of us are willing to put up with inconvenience in order to secure for ourselves a convenience that we may or may not even get to frequently enjoy. How crazy is it, then, that we won't put up with the inconveniences brought about in our lives because of Christ even though we know the "convenience" of Heaven awaits those who are faithful followers? Seriously, in light of eternity, is making time for Scripture study really such an inconvenience? In light of eternity is prayer really such an inconvenience? Is church attendance really such an inconvenience in light of the fact that eternity will be one huge time of worship? Is serving others such an inconvenience? Is giving to God's work...whether it be time, money or talents...such an inconvenience? Is going out of your way to share the Good News of Jesus really such an inconvenience? Is suffering ridicule, persecution or physical loss such an inconvenience in light of eternity?
I'll work hard for a year or so and sacrifice much for a week at Disney! How much will you and I be willing to sacrifice...how hard will we work...for an eternity of Glory? You see, in light of what we get in return, the things that Christ demands of His followers can't really compare! Honestly, they can't even rank as inconveniences in light of the convenience of knowing Him and being known by Him!
***Disclaimer - some of you may read this and think I'm advocating "earning" eternity through present struggle. That is not the case. Salvation is only available through Jesus Christ and a relationship with Him. I will say, however, that a real relationship always comes with responsibility and demands...be it a relationship with another person or with the God of the Universe. Therefore, I don't suffer inconveniences now so that I may "earn" a convenience...instead, b/c of my relationship...I choose to see those things, which would otherwise be considered inconveniences by those w/out said relationship, as a natural by-product of my relationship with Christ. So...as I'm performing all the duties of a follower of Christ, I do so willingly and happily b/c I love Him AND b/c I know He'll reward my faithfulness. Point made? Good, now go get to work for Jesus!***
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