Let's take a little test. I'm going to say a phrase and you see what pops into your head... Here goes: "a date which will live in infamy". When I say those words, I know that many of you immediately thought of Pearl Harbor. For those who didn't live through those horrible times, most of us have, at least, read about it in American History or have seen the movie. These were part of a speech given by Franklin D. Roosevelt, president of the United States, the day after the brutal attack on Pearl Harbor by the Japanese empire. Roosevelt was declaring that America would be responding to the attack and, in essence, entering the 2nd World War.
Now, for those who understand history, America's entry into the war became a pretty big turning point and determining factor in the overall success of stemming the tide of tyranny in the world. In fact, this speech was the precursor to actions by our nation that would change the course of history. Through his words, Roosevelt was sharing the reality of a horrible act AND garnering support from American citizens for the exercises that were to come. In fact, many who heard these words were so moved by them that they immediately went out to join the war effort.
Words are powerful! And...this truth is applicable in both negative ways and positive ways. How many people, alive today, suffer from all kinds of emotional struggles because of the negative use of words by people close to them? And, on the other hand, how many have been catapulted to greatness because of encouraging words from those closest to them? The way we use words matters!
Now, while random words are important, collections of words can be downright deadly or completely life changing. Enter God's Word. The most influential and powerful collection of words in the entire universe sits on the shelves or coffee tables or back dashes of cars of tons of Christians throughout the world. This collection of words has the power to wreck you and rebuild you. They have the power to completely change your outlook on life and affect the outcome of your life. They can change your marriage, family...even the future of your children. There are no more powerful words in existence.
So, when we come to the book of James, he takes the importance of these words to a new and different level. In other words, according to James, these words are not just meant to be read or seen as a bit inspiring...they are, instead, to be manifested...brought to life...applied in our lives. In fact, in chapter 1, verse 22, of the book bearing his name he says the following, "Be doers of the word and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves." According to James, God's word is meant for more than to, simply, be read and understood. It's power comes in the application!
According to James, a believer who reads God's word...and what it has to say about who we are to be in Christ...yet, walks away unchanged is a bit insane. In fact, James says we "deceive ourselves" when we claim a relationship with Christ but don't allow His word to change us! He even gives us a pretty good illustration....one that transcends the differences in culture and time. He says it's like someone looking in a mirror and immediately forgetting what they look like. Think about that for a moment. Most of us spend, at least, a bit of time in front of mirrors everyday. My favorite aisle, at Walmart, is the mirror aisle. I love to walk down that aisle and just window shop! Most of you women out there spend a significant amount of time in front of a mirror each morning making sure that every hair is in place and every wrinkle covered. Now imagine this...what if, after spending all that time in front of the mirror, you walked away and immediately forgot what your face looked like? We would say that you have some serious issues with identity! James says that the same is true spiritually when it comes to our staring into God's word.
For believers, God's word provides us with a spiritual mirror which shows us our spiritual identity. It describes who we are...and who we should be. It identifies things that are out of place in our lives. It shows us the wrinkles that need to be covered and removed by the blood of Christ. It reveals problem areas that we need to work on. When it is applied to our lives it creates a spiritual change in the core of who we are that has a trickle down effect into every other area of our lives. So...when we look into the mirror of God's word, but refuse to obey or apply it in our lives, we are, in essence, deceiving ourselves in regards to who we really are and denying our true identity.
This little teaching on the power of God's word is why, just a chapter on into his letter, James can say that "faith without works is dead". He's already told us, by the time we get to that point, that if we aren't applying God's word to our lives then we are deceiving ourselves concerning our true identity. In other words, you can claim to know Jesus all day...you can wear a label of Christian...go to church...give...even pray...but if you aren't applying God's word to your life in a way that allows it to change your identity then you are fooling yourself! According to James...your "personal" testimony about yourself doesn't matter much if your life doesn't attest to that testimony. Your works...and the application of God's word...is the true testament to your real identity!
And that's the power of God's word...it doesn't just speak to us. God's word IDENTIFIES us! True believer, you are who God's word says you are! Fake believer, you are who God's word says you are! Non-believer, you are who God's word says you are. A hard teaching? You bet! Now I know a pushback is coming here, "Wait a minute, Wayne, all I have to do is believe in Jesus to be saved...works don't play into it!" Are you sure about that? According to scripture, even the demons believe in Jesus...in fact, most of them testified about Him when He was walking the earth...He even told them to stop! However, you know one thing the demons don't do...acknowledge Him as Lord. In other words, they hear His words, but because He's not their Lord, they don't obey or apply it. Sounds a lot like the people that James says are deceiving themselves doesn't it?
So...the question you have to process, today, is, "what are you doing with God's word in your life?" Are you identified by it? Does it define you? Are you obeying and applying it to your life? Are you
actually living the identity of a Christ-follower or, simply, claiming that identity? Is He truly your Lord? What kind of power does God's word have over you?
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