So, I came across an article today that was really kind of neat. It was a well written piece that outlined about 10 things in our universe that scientists can't explain. From the red storm that has been going on for about 400 years on Jupiter's surface to the presence of dark matter and random gamma bursts, this article discussed the fact that these things just can't be figured out. Then, it made a startling statement in saying (my paraphrase) that whenever we have two or more unkown forces at work, it's impossible to tell whether they are, in fact, distinct forces or if they are, possibly, two aspects of the same force. WOW!!!! Did you catch that? The folks in the article are actually talking about GOD and don't even realize it.
So, I sat there contemplating this revelation for a few moments and how they could possilby see all they see in the universe and be completely blown away by their inability to understand it and, yet, not go, "Hey, maybe all this stuff is the way it is because there's a God whom we can't quite understand, ourselves, who made it that way." Then it occurred to me...if these folks knew I was having such thoughts, they would probably think that I was very close-minded. I mean, listen to me, I'm looking at all this stuff out there that doesn't make sense and my ONLY explanation is, "Duh, guys, it's God!" How uneducated and simple I must sound to them. I go through life and anytime I come across something that doesn't make sense I chalk it up to God. From their perspective, I have got to be completely ignorant, lazy or maybe a little of both. Honestly, I've explored all the different theories that are out of there of who we are and how we got here and I've chosen to believe that God is what makes sense of it all. And, because I've made that choice, I have to admit that they are completely justified in labeling me as close minded. I decided that God makes more sense than not God.
So, I got to thinking about me and how a person from their point of view might think of me. And, I'll be honest...I began to not like me very much. In fact, I really kinda hated me and thought, "Hey, you jerk, what about science and all the smart people in the world who say 'boo' on God. Do you really think you're smarter than them, you lazy, uneducated, weak-minded redneck?" From their standpoint, I must look, sound and act kind of arrogant. Then I got to thinking about the me that I was being at the know the one who was thinking about the other me that was all, "Yeah, it's God!"...anyway, I got to thinking, "You know...if I'm on the other side of the coin (the one who says there's no God and that science has all the answers) and I'm saying there's no God, but that all these unexplained forces are just scientific phenomena that we just haven't explored enough to explain yet, I'm actually pretty close-minded too. "Why?" you might ask... Well, it's because I've made a choice too. I've chosen to believe that God DOESN'T make sense of it all. In fact, I've chosen to believe there is no God and that the reason I don't understand it all right now is because I don't have all the facts. In my mind, one day I'll have these facts and then I won't need that crutch for the weak-minded that the other me calls God.
So, I'm close-minded if I choose to believe in God and I'm close-minded if I choose not to believe in God because before any of us ever look at any of the facts, we've pretty much decided what we think about the existence or presence of a God. Close-mindedness has nothing to do with science or faith, it has to do with individuality!!!! As individuals, we choose the lens through which we will interpret the facts of the world around us. So, the truth is that, really, we're ALL close-minded. This explains why we never really have an open conversation about things we disagree on no matter how much we try to make a show of having open-minded dialogue. None of us go into such a conversation saying, "Eh, I'm ok with the other guy making me look like an idiot and/or that I don't have my facts fact, I kind of hope they prove me wrong." We all want to be right in what we think and believe and we want others to validate it so, inevitably, we are ALWAYS trying to bring other people to our side. I heard a quote today that really drove this home. It said something to the effect of "Everyone is being converted to something." Yep, many of our conversations are veiled attempts to persuade others to think about things our way. A lot of times, even when we're trying to understand another person's perspective on something, it's really just so we can better comprehend where they are so that we can find a more direct way to bring them over to our side. Now, I will admit there are times when we have not quite formed an opinion on a subject and we listen to what others have to say on the topic. However, the moment we have an informed and solid opinion guess what we become...that's right, pretty stinking close-minded on the issue!
So, all this close-mindness in humanity led me to thinking about the world and universe we live in and the thought struck me, "You know, this thing doesn't just apply to us humans. Truth is that the world is pretty close-minded itself. Like, even the laws of physics and stuff...that's some pretty close-minded junk!" Did you know that gravity doesn't care whether or not you agree with it? Seriously, close-minded little punk gravity will throw you to the ground no matter how you try to open its eyes to the fact that its always keeping you down! Water is another pain in the butt! No matter how conversational I try to be with water to get it to let go of its oxygen as it enters my lungs, that hard headed son of a gun is still gonna drown me. Close-minded, I tell ya! Did you know that carnivorous animals are pretty close-minded. Yeah, especially when you try to restrict them to a diet of only grass and leaves. I don't care how tame your little lion is (you may have suckled him with a bottle and raised him like your own child), but if all you feed that bad boy is kelp and grass clippings you better make dang sure you don't leave him alone in a room with your 2 year old fodder...I mean toddler! One more...I was at a church one time where a hurricane was headed towards the area. One lady in the church stood up and said, "Folks, what we need to do is go out to the beach and scream at this hurricane that it ain't coming our way. We can command it to go away." I had to consciously command myself not to laugh. Because we all know that hurricanes are pretty close-minded...they go where they want. Yep, Mother Nature is a rough ole gal. She really don't care what you think. She just does what she does, whether you like it or not! Close-minded, if you ask me!
So, I guess what I'm getting at in all this is...why can't we just all admit that close-mindedness is just a factual part of the world we live in? You're close-minded, I'm close-minded, we're all close-minded. Now, I know some of you will take offense at this. In fact, you're screaming at me, right now, "I'm not close-minded! I'm completely open-minded about things!" If that's you, let me ask one question...are you absolutely sure you're open-minded about things? If you are, then it sounds, to me, like you're close-minded to the possibility that you could be close-minded! I, on the other hand, am completely open-minded to the possibility that I am close-minded AND open-minded to the possibility that close-mindedness is most likely one of the important factors that makes the world go 'round.
So, now I'm pretty close-minded about the fact that it's time for me to get some sleep.
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