Monday, December 30, 2013

Let's try this again...

It has been said that writing is very cathartic. Since I don't really get the idea behind journaling as the author is the only one who will ever read what's been written...that seems like a complete waste of time if you ask me...instead, I like to write my contemplations and consternations down for everyone to enjoy.  Perhaps they will lead one to think to themselves, about themselves or, even, for themselves. If any of the above be true, I would count my writings and rantings as successful.

First and foremost, know that I'm a believer in Jesus Christ. This will affect my worldview and color my take on things. If you don't like my take or the color that's ok, but save your breath on disagreeing or trying to change me. I've had 38 years...or think about this stuff. I guess you could say I'm set in my ways and, somewhat, close-minded. Enjoy what you can stand and ignore what you can't.

I make no apologies for the things I write as they are, primarily, my opinions.  And, since, we live in the era of tolerance and "live and let live", I intend to fully exercise my 
privileges.  Fun little side note...before all you Christians get excited over such statements, let me point out that I'll take as much issue with Americanized Christianity as I will anything else.  That's right...I've got some pent up thoughts, emotions, passionate pleas and heartfelt angsts that I intend to deal with in this blog.

Let the fun begin!

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